InThisTogether was founded on the idea that women deserve to walk into motherhood educated, supported and confident.
Our current maternal health norms leave much to be desired. The chasm between birth and follow up care is where we need a bridge.
TheMotherhoodProject is a collaborative effort.
A comprehensive roadmap of pregnancy and new parenthood that includes hands on, in person visits and virtual consults for prenatal planning, birth education, breastfeeding and newborn care as well as realistic postpatum help that walks you through the early days with empahsis on your mental and emotional wellbeing.
10 visits that start in mid pregancy, continue with baby prep, birth planning, mental health practices and continued support for your whole recovery from birth.
We cover it all.
Women deserve knowledgeable support when it comes to mothering their newborns AND their own physical recovery.
That's what we do. Your team and a plan just for you.
Your well mama visits

With April - your prenatal and postpartum guide
10 visits with April
-Home visit for space assessment and registry creation
-Birth education consult and homework to create your birth plan
-Virtual check in on birth plan and suggestions
-In person birth plan presentation and follow up on registry and item choices as well as any other new issues
-Comprehensive prenatal parenting class. End of pregnancy, first days and transtioning home, recovery care, infant care, parenting forward and mental health.
-2 in home breastfeeding support visits in the frist week of life from a CLC
-Week 3, 6, 9 are visits scheduled as needed. These often include partner return to work, birthing parent return to work, and sleep consults.
AWESOME! What do I do next?!
Fill out the contact form with questions, goals, telling meabout you! You can't say too much! I'm excited to get to know you.
We will then set up a time to FaceTime about all of it!
Time to bridge the gap.
All signs point to yes. Go. Let's do this.
TheMotherhoodProject Investment